Ter-Gevorgyanneri Hogher, Armenia - weather

17 March

overcast clouds

22° | C
72° | 41°F
295 | 278 K
overcast clouds
Wind 2 m/s, N-W
humidity 20%
cloudiness 99%
18 March

overcast clouds

22° | 12°C
72° | 54°F
295 | 285 K
overcast clouds
Wind 7 m/s, N-W
humidity 22%
cloudiness 92%
19 March

moderate rain

16° | 10°C
61° | 50°F
289 | 283 K
moderate rain
Wind 10 m/s, N-W
humidity 58%
cloudiness 100%
20 March

light rain

19° | C
66° | 44°F
292 | 279 K
light rain
Wind 8 m/s, N-W
humidity 47%
cloudiness 5%
21 March

light rain

13° | C
56° | 43°F
286 | 279 K
light rain
Wind 4 m/s, N-W
humidity 52%
cloudiness 99%
22 March

rain and snow

| C
47° | 36°F
281 | 275 K
rain and snow
Wind 4 m/s, N-W
humidity 97%
cloudiness 100%
23 March

few clouds

12° | C
53° | 36°F
284 | 275 K
few clouds
Wind 2 m/s, N-W
humidity 46%
cloudiness 24%

Data provided by openweathermap.org

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