Kujalia, Greenland - weather

22 September

broken clouds

| -0°C
41° | 31°F
278 | 272 K
broken clouds
Wind 2 m/s, N-W
humidity 63%
cloudiness 59%
23 September

broken clouds

| C
42° | 36°F
278 | 275 K
broken clouds
Wind 2 m/s, N-W
humidity 76%
cloudiness 53%
24 September

overcast clouds

| C
41° | 35°F
278 | 274 K
overcast clouds
Wind 2 m/s, N-W
humidity 69%
cloudiness 93%
25 September

sky is clear

| -1°C
37° | 31°F
276 | 272 K
sky is clear
Wind 1 m/s, N-W
humidity 65%
cloudiness 5%
26 September

broken clouds

| -1°C
36° | 30°F
275 | 271 K
broken clouds
Wind 2 m/s, N-W
humidity 64%
cloudiness 63%
27 September

rain and snow

| -0°C
36° | 32°F
275 | 273 K
rain and snow
Wind 2 m/s, N-W
humidity 72%
cloudiness 100%

Data provided by openweathermap.org

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