Þrilækir, Iceland - weather

20 September

broken clouds

| C
46° | 42°F
280 | 278 K
broken clouds
Wind 4 m/s, N-W
humidity 74%
cloudiness 61%
21 September

light rain

| C
46° | 42°F
280 | 278 K
light rain
Wind 6 m/s, N-W
humidity 80%
cloudiness 100%
22 September

rain and snow

| C
43° | 38°F
279 | 276 K
rain and snow
Wind 11 m/s, N-W
humidity 84%
cloudiness 100%
23 September

light snow

| C
38° | 37°F
276 | 275 K
light snow
Wind 8 m/s, N-W
humidity 71%
cloudiness 94%
24 September

light snow

| C
39° | 36°F
277 | 275 K
light snow
Wind 7 m/s, N
humidity 77%
cloudiness 100%
25 September

rain and snow

| C
40° | 36°F
277 | 275 K
rain and snow
Wind 11 m/s, N
humidity 92%
cloudiness 100%
26 September

light snow

| C
37° | 35°F
276 | 274 K
light snow
Wind 9 m/s, N
humidity 69%
cloudiness 100%

Data provided by openweathermap.org

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