Minas Tacasa, Peru - weather

22 September

rain and snow

13° | C
55° | 36°F
286 | 275 K
rain and snow
Wind 6 m/s, N-W
humidity 27%
cloudiness 15%
23 September

rain and snow

13° | C
56° | 32°F
286 | 273 K
rain and snow
Wind 6 m/s, N-W
humidity 24%
cloudiness 72%
24 September

rain and snow

12° | C
54° | 32°F
285 | 273 K
rain and snow
Wind 5 m/s, N-W
humidity 29%
cloudiness 67%
25 September

light rain

| C
46° | 35°F
281 | 274 K
light rain
Wind 5 m/s, N-W
humidity 45%
cloudiness 59%
26 September

rain and snow

12° | C
53° | 35°F
284 | 274 K
rain and snow
Wind 2 m/s, N-W
humidity 38%
cloudiness 8%
27 September

rain and snow

| C
47° | 34°F
281 | 274 K
rain and snow
Wind 5 m/s, N-W
humidity 58%
cloudiness 86%

Data provided by openweathermap.org

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