Metro Lynchburg Moore County Volunteer Fire Department Station 4 Motlow College Ledford Mill, United States - weather

17 March

sky is clear

12° | C
54° | 33°F
285 | 273 K
sky is clear
Wind 5 m/s, N
humidity 43%
cloudiness 2%
18 March

scattered clouds

19° | C
65° | 39°F
291 | 277 K
scattered clouds
Wind 6 m/s, N-W
humidity 54%
cloudiness 35%
19 March

light rain

19° | C
66° | 48°F
292 | 281 K
light rain
Wind 9 m/s, N-W
humidity 69%
cloudiness 100%
20 March

rain and snow

12° | C
54° | 35°F
285 | 274 K
rain and snow
Wind 7 m/s, N-W
humidity 73%
cloudiness 95%
21 March

broken clouds

12° | -1°C
54° | 30°F
285 | 272 K
broken clouds
Wind 4 m/s, N-W
humidity 41%
cloudiness 62%
22 March

light rain

16° | C
60° | 43°F
288 | 279 K
light rain
Wind 5 m/s, N-W
humidity 43%
cloudiness 4%
23 March

light rain

20° | C
68° | 43°F
293 | 279 K
light rain
Wind 9 m/s, N-W
humidity 59%
cloudiness 77%

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2023 - 2025