Rasnick Cemetery, United States - weather

15 January

broken clouds

-3° | -13°C
26° | F
269 | 259 K
broken clouds
Wind 3 m/s, N-W
humidity 64%
cloudiness 65%
16 January

light snow

| -11°C
35° | 13°F
274 | 262 K
light snow
Wind 4 m/s, N-W
humidity 84%
cloudiness 95%
17 January

scattered clouds

| -7°C
38° | 19°F
276 | 266 K
scattered clouds
Wind 3 m/s, N-W
humidity 76%
cloudiness 31%
18 January

rain and snow

| -1°C
36° | 30°F
275 | 272 K
rain and snow
Wind 3 m/s, N-W
humidity 99%
cloudiness 100%
19 January

light snow

-1° | -11°C
31° | 11°F
272 | 261 K
light snow
Wind 5 m/s, N-W
humidity 85%
cloudiness 100%
20 January

scattered clouds

-10° | -15°C
14° | F
263 | 258 K
scattered clouds
Wind 4 m/s, N-W
humidity 57%
cloudiness 42%

Data provided by openweathermap.org

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