Democratic Republic of the Congo - flag

Okende Osango

weather forecast for Okende Osango
populated place

nearest airports

Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagLusambo Airport ~ 87.24 km
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagLodja Airport ~ 155.43 km
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagTunta Airport ~ 157.96 km
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagMbuji Mayi Airport ~ 164.07 km
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagKananga Airport ~ 224.21 km
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagKindu Airport ~ 284.07 km
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagMweka Airport ~ 287.99 km
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagKaniama Airport ~ 315.82 km
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagKongolo Airport ~ 323.55 km

Okende Osango - map

map center coordinates: zoom:

2023 - 2024