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Claiborne County

weather forecast for Claiborne County
second-order administrative division
population: 32043
Alexander Cemetery
Allen Mill (historical)
Altizer Hollow
Alum Cave Hollow
Arch Rock
Arnold Number Two Mine
Arthur Dam
Arthur Lake
Arthur Post Office
Arthur School (historical)
Arthur United Methodist Church
Atkins Cemetery
Ausmus Cemetery
Ausmus Hollow
Bacchus Hollow
Bacchus School (historical)
Backbone Hollow
Bailey Cemetery
Bailey Gap
Bailey Hollow
Bailey Hollow
Baker Hollow
Bald Hill (historical)
Bald Spur
Baldwin Cemetery
Baldwin Hill
Baldwin Hill School (historical)
Ball Creek
Ball Creek School (historical)
Baptist Gap
Barnard Cemetery
Barnard Cemetery
Barnard Cemetery
Barnes Hollow
Barton Cemetery
Baylor Consolidated School (historical)
Bean Hollow
Bear Creek
Bear Creek
Beason Cemetery
Beasons Store (historical)
Bee Hollow
Bee Ridge Hollow
Beech Branch
Beeler Cemetery
Bennetts Fork
Bens Branch
Bethel Baptist Church
Big Barren
Big Barren Creek
Big Barren Creek Church
Big Branch Hollow
Big Cliff
Big Coal Gap
Big Hollow
Big Hollow Hill
Big Sink
Big Spring Hollow
Big Spring Union
Big Spring Union Baptist Church
Big Spring Union School (historical)
Big Sycamore Creek
Big Three Hollow
Blair Creek Church
Blair Hollow
Blairs Creek
Blairs Creek School (historical)
Bluetop School (historical)
Bolinger Cemetery
Bolinger School
Boneyard Hollow
Bostica Cemetery
Bowman Flats
Bowman Hollow
Branscombe Cemetery
Breeding Cemetery
Brewster Cemetery
Brittian Cemetery
Brooks Bridge
Brooks Cemetery
Brooks Ferry
Brown Cemetery
Brown Cemetery
Browns School
Bruce Cemetery
Bruce Prospect
Brushy Ridge
Bryson Mountain
Bryson Mountain
Buchanan Cemetery
Buchanan Ford
Buck Hole Hollow
Buck Lick Hollow
Buckeye Hollow
Buffalo Creek
Buffalo School
Bull Ridge
Bull Ridge
Bulls Shoals
Bunch Cemetery
Bunch Hollow
Bunch Hollow Mine
Bunchs Store (historical)
Bunchtown Cemetery
Bundren Cemetery
Bunky Hollow
Burch Cemetery
Burchett Cemetery
Burchfield Hollow
Burke Hollow
Burrell Creek
Bussell Ford
Butchers Spring
Butt of Newmans Ridge
Butt of Powell
Cabin Creek
Calvary Church
Camp Creek
Campbell Cemetery
Campbell Cemetery
Campbell Cemetery
Campbell Cemetery
Campbell Ford
Caney Hollow
Caney Hollow
Caney Ridge
Caney Valley
Caney Valley
Caney Valley Knobs
Caney Valley School (historical)
Canoe Branch
Capps Cemetery
Capps Crossing (historical)
Capps Ford (historical)
Capps Hollow
Capps Hollow Bend
Cardwell Cemetery
Cardwell Cemetery
Cardwell Ridge
Carr Branch
Carr Branch
Carr Branch
Carr Branch Church
Carr Cemetery
Carr Cemetery
Carr Chapel
Carr Gap
Carr Hollow
Carr Ridge
Cat Branch
Cat Hollow
Cave Ridge
Cave Spring
Cave Spring
Cave Spring Creek
Cave Springs Baptist Church
Cawood Branch
Cawood Cemetery
Cawood School
Cawood United Methodist Church
Cedar Flat Church
Cedar Fork Church
Cedar Fork Creek
Cedar Fork Valley
Cedar Grove Church
Cedar Grove Dock
Chadwell Cemetery
Chadwell Cemetery
Chalk Cave Hollow
Chalybeate Springs Church (historical)
Chance Hollow
Chestnut Grove Church
Chestnut Grove Ridge
Chestnut Grove Ridge
Chestnut Grove School
Chestnut Ridge
Chestnut Ridge
Chimney Rocks
Chittum Chapel
Chumley Cemetery
Chumley Cemetery
City of Harrogate Volunteer Fire Department Station 1
Civilian Conservation Corps Camp Number 19 (historical)
Claiborne County EMS
Claiborne County High School
Claiborne County Hospital
Claiborne County Landfill
Claiborne County Sheriff's Office
Claiborne County Vocational Center
Clairfield Elementary School
Clairfield Missionary Baptist Church
Clairfield Post Office
Clark Cemetery
Clawson Cemetery
Clawson Cemetery
Clear Fork Volunteer Fire Department
Clinch River
Cline Knob
Cline Ridge
Cline School
Clouds Memorial Baptist Church
Clouds School (historical)
Coal Creek
Coffey Cemetery
Cole Cemetery
Cole Hollow
Coleman Gap
Coles Mill (historical)
Collins Mill
Combs Station Prospect
Comby Ridge
Consolidation Coal Water Supply Lake
Cook Cemetery
Cook Cemetery
Coonsies Creek
Cooper Ridge
Copper Ridge Point
Cosby Bridge
Cosby Cemetery
Cosby Cemetery
Cosby Cemetery
Cosby Ford
Cottrell-Johnson Cemetery
Cox Cemetery
Cox Creek
Cox Shoals
Crain Cemetery
Crane Roost Hollow
Crawford Hollow
Crocket Furnace (historical)
Cumberland Gap492
Cumberland Gap Post Office
Cumberland Gap Tunnel
Cumberland Gap Volunteer Fire Department
Cunningham Hollow
Cup Fields
Cup Gap
Cupp Cemetery
Cupp Mill
Cupp Ridge
Cupp School
Daniel Hollow
Daniel Hollow
Davis Creek Church
Days Cemetery
Days Chapel
Days Mill Church (historical)
Days Store (historical)
Dixon Cemetery
Double Mountain
Double S Bend
Drummond Cemetery
Dry Hollow
Dry Hollow
Dry Hollow
Duncan Chapel
Duncan Hollow
Dunn Cemetery
Dunn Gap
Eadie Ford (historical)
Eagan Baptist Church
Eagan Post Office
Eagan School (historical)
Earls Hollow
East Fork Hoop Creek
Eastridge Bend
Edmondson (historical)
Edwards Cemetery
Edwards Cemetery
Edwards School
Elk Bend
Ellen Meyers Elementary School
Ellison Bend
Ellison Cemetery
Ellison Mill (historical)
Ely Cemetery
England Cemetery
Epperson Cemetery
Estep Hollow
Estes Hollow
Evans Cemetery
Evans Ferry (historical)
Evans Ferry Bridge
Fergerson School (historical)
Fern Lake
First Baptist Church of Harrogate
Flat Hollow
Flat Hollow
Flat Hollow Church
Flatwood Chapel
Flemon Cemetery
Ford Chapel Cemetery
Ford Hollow
Ford Hollow
Fords Chapel Methodist Church
Forge Ridge
Forge Ridge
Forge Ridge Baptist Church
Forge Ridge Cemetery
Forge Ridge High School (historical)
Fork Ridge
Fork Ridge Mine
Fork Ridge School
Fortner Branch
Fortner Branch Prospect
Fox Branch
Freeman Cemetery
Friendship Church
Fugate Cemetery
Fugate Ford
Fugate Gap
Fulton School (historical)
Fultz Cemetery
Furgerson Cemetery
Furgerson Chapel
Furgerson Ridge
Gap Creek
Gap Creek Church
Gap Creek Prospect
Gardner Prospect
Gibson Hall
Gibson Hall School (historical)
Gobblers Knob
Goin Cemetery
Goins Chapel
Gose Cemetery
Gouge Knob
Grantham Cemetery
Grantham Ford
Grassy Hollow
Greasy Hollow
Greasy Hollow Cemetery
Greaver Hollow
Greer Cemetery
Greer Cemetery
Greer Lake
Greer Tunnel
Greers Chapel
Greers School (historical)
Grissom Island
Grissom Island Church
Guy Cemetery
Hall Hollow
Hamlet Hollow
Hamlin Town
Hammock Cemetery
Harmon Cemetery
Harrell Cemetery
Harrogate Cemetery
Harrogate City Volunteer Fire Station 2
Harrogate Post Office
Harrogate United Methodist Church
Hatfield Cemetery
Hauser Spring
Hauser Spring Branch
Haynes Flat Church
Haynes Ridge
Head of Barren
Head of Barren Church
Head of Barren School
Hen Hollow
Henderson Knob
Hickory Hollow
Highberry Trailer Park
Highland View School
Hill Cemetery
Hines Hollow
Hodges Branch
Hodges Cemetery
Hoge Cemetery
Holt Cave Spring
Honeysuck Prospect
Hoop Creek
Hoop Creek
Hoop Creek Baptist Church
Hoop Creek School
Hooper Cemetery
Hopewell Baptist Church
Hopewell School (historical)
Hopkins Cemetery
Hopper Cemetery
Hopper Gap
Hopper Hollow
Horse Hollow
Horseshoe Mountain
Howard Quarter
Howard Quarter Church
Howard Quarter School
Howardton Cemetery
Howardton Church
Hunt Town Hollow
Hunter Cemetery
Hunters Shoals
Hurricane Creek
Hurst Cemetery
Hurst Ford
Hurst Mill
Hyberry Hollow
Indian Creek
Indian Creek Church
Indian Springs Hollow
Irish Cemetery
Island Creek
Island Ford (historical)
Ivy Hollow
Jack Nance Island
Jackson Cemetery
Janeway Cemetery
Janeway Cemetery
Jennings Branch
Johnson Cemetery
Johnson Hollow
Johnson Hollow
Johnson School (historical)
Johnsons Shoals
Jones Branch
Jones Cemetery
Jones Ridge
Jordan Branch
Keck Cemetery
Keck Cemetery
Keck Hollow
Kecks Store (historical)
Keg Branch
Keg Branch School (historical)
Kelly Branch
Kelly Cemetery
Kelly Hollow
Kesterson Cemetery
Kesterson Cemetery
Kibert Cemetery
Killion Ridge
King Hollow
King Mountain
Kingdom Hall
Kings Bend
Kings Bend Mine
Kings Branch
Kinkheads Forge (historical)
Klondike Hollow
Lakeview School
Lambert Cemetery
Landmark Church
Lane Cemetery
Langley Branch
Laster Cemetery
Leabow Cemetery
Leabow Hollow
Leach Cemetery
Leach Mountain
Leatherwood Church
Leatherwood Hollow
Leatherwood School
Lee Bend
Lee Cemetery
Lemarr Cemetery
Liberty Church
Lick Branch
Lick Branch
Liford Cemetery
Lily Grove
Lily Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Lily Grove School (historical)
Lincoln Memorial University
Little Barren
Little Barren Church
Little Broken Valley
Little Caney Valley
Little Coal Gap
Little Creek
Little Creek
Little Creek Baptist Church
Little Creek School (historical)
Little Pinnacle
Little Ridge
Little Sycamore Church
Little Sycamore Creek
Little Tackett Creek
Little Tunnel
Little Valley
Little Valley School
Littrell Cemetery
Livesay Middle School
Locust Grove School
Log Mountains
Lone Hill Church
Lone Mountain
Lone Mountain Baptist Church
Lone Mountain Creek
Lone Mountain Dock
Lone Mountain Methodist Church
Lone Mountain Post Office
Lone Mountain Ridge
Lone Mountain School
Lonesome Valley
Lonesome Valley Creek
Lonesome Valley Elementary School
Long Branch
Long Cemetery
Long Hollow
Longmire Church
Loop Hollow
Loop Hollow
Love Cemetery
Lovelace Spring
Lower Fall Branch
Lundy Cemetery
Lundy Hollow
Lynch Cemetery
M C M Church
M C M School
Macks Shoals
Madon Hollow
Manis Hollow
Maples Hollow
Marr Branch
Marsee Cemetery
Martin Cemetery
Mason Springs
Mason Springs
Mason Springs School (historical)
Mason-Bethel School
Massengill Bend
Mathis Hollow
Mattox Hollow
Mayes Cemetery
Mayes Chapel United Methodist Church
Mayes Mill (historical)
McBee Hollow
McCullough Bend
McCullough School (historical)
McLean Rock
McNew Cemetery
McNew Cemetery
McNew Hollow
Meadow Branch
Meyer Grove Church
Meyers Branch
Meyers Cemetery
Meyers Mill (historical)
Middle Fork Sycamore Creek
Middle Ridge
Midway Church
Mill Hollow
Miller Mountain
Mingo Hollow
Mingo Mountains
Minkton (historical)
Minton Cemetery
Minton Cemetery
Minton Hollow
Minton Mill
Minton Prospect
Miracle Pond
Mockingbird Mobile Home Park
Moody Cemetery
Mooneyham Mine
Mount Creek Church
Mount Gilead Church
Mount Pleasant Church
Mountain View United Methodist Church
Moyers Cemetery
Moyers Cemetery
Mullins Branch
Murphy Branch
Murphy Mill
Myers Store (historical)
New Bethel Baptist Church
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
New Salem Church
New Salem Church
New Salem School (historical)
New Tazewell2957
New Tazewell Fire Department
New Tazewell First Baptist Church
New Tazewell Municipal Airport
New Tazewell Police Department
New Tazewell Post Office
Nicholson Mountain
No Business Hollow
Nolan Branch
North Claiborne Volunteer Fire Department Station 1
North Claiborne Volunteer Fire Department Station 2
North Mountain
North Ridge
North Tazewell Volunteer Fire Department
Norton Hollow
Oak Grove
Oak Grove Baptist Church
Oak Grove Cemetery
Oak Grove School (historical)
Oakes Cemetery
Odom Hollow
Old Cedar Fork
Old Red Hill Cemetery
Old Town Creek
Old Town Creek School (historical)
Otey Mill Spring
Owens Hollow
Owl Hollow
Ownes Cemetery
Oxford Hollow
Pace Cemetery
Pace Ridge
Parks Cemetery
Patterson Branch
Patterson Crossroads
Patterson Hollow
Payne Cemetery
Pearson Cemetery
Perry Hollow
Phelps Cemetery
Pierce Cemetery
Pigeon Roost Branch
Pigeon Roost Hollow
Pine Grove Church
Pine Hill Hollow
Pine Hill School (historical)
Pines Creek
Pleasant (historical)
Pleasant Hill Church
Pleasant Point Primitive Baptist Church
Pleasant Point School
Pleasant View Church
Polecat Hollow
Poor Valley
Poore Cemetery
Poore Cemetery
Poore Cemetery
Poore Cemetery
Poplar Grove
Poplar Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Poplar Grove School (historical)
Posey Bend
Powder Mill Hollow
Powell Mountain
Powell Mountain
Powell Valley
Powell Valley Church
Powell Valley Elementary School
Powell Valley High School
Proffit Hollow
Providence Church
Providence School (historical)
Pruden Number Six Mile
Pruden Post Office
Pruden School
Pump Hollow
Pump Hollow
Pump Springs Church
Pump Springs Mobile Home Park
Raven Hill
Raven Hill Church
Reason Ridge
Red Hill
Red Hill
Red Hill Baptist Church
Red Hill Missionary Baptist Church
Red Hill Number One School (historical)
Red Hill Number Two School (historical)
Rich Gap
Rich Mountain
Riddle Hollow
Ridge School (historical)
Ridgedale School (historical)
Riley Memorial Baptist Church
Riley School (historical)
Rising Spring Church
Rising Springs School (historical)
Ritchie Cemetery
Ritchie School
River View
Riverside Church
Riverside School (historical)
Riverview Missionary Baptist Church
Rob Camp (historical)
Robinson Cemetery
Robinson Hollow
Rock Creek
Rodgers Cemetery
Rogers Cemetery
Rogers Cemetery
Rogers Gap
Rogerston Hollow
Rollins Ridge
Rose Creek
Rosenbalm Cemetery
Rosenwald School (historical)
Rowland Bend
Rowland Cemetery
Russell Branch
Russell Cemetery
Russell Cemetery
Russell Cemetery
Russell Creek
Russell Ford (historical)
Russell Hollow
Russell Mill
Saddle Ridge
Sandlick Creek
Sandlick Ridge
Sandlick School
Scott Cemetery
Seal Branch
Seal Chapel Missionary Baptist Church
Seal Chapel School (historical)
Shady Grove Church
Sharp Hollow
Sharp Mountain
Shawanee Baptist Church
Shawanee Post Office
Shawanee School (historical)
Sheep Hollow
Sheeplick Point
Shelton Bluff
Sherman Hollow
Shiflet Cemetery
Shiflet Ridge
Shipley Grove Church
Shipley School (historical)
Short Hollow
Shumaker Cemetery
Shumaker Hollow
Simmons Cemetery
Simmons Chapel
Simmons Ridge
Skaggs Cemetery
Skaggs Creek
Skaggs Ridge
Slate Creek
Slickrock Hollow
Smith Cemetery
Smith Cemetery
Smith Ridge
Snake Hollow
Soldiers Memorial Middle School
South Claiborne Volunteer Fire Department Station 41
South Claiborne Volunteer Fire Department Station 42
South Claiborne Volunteer Fire Department Station 43
South Fork Sycamore Creek
Southern Cemetery
Spar Branch
Speedwell Academy
Speedwell Academy Baptist Church
Speedwell Freewill Baptist Church
Speedwell Post Office
Speedwell Volunteer Fire Department Station 1
Speedwell Volunteer Fire Department Station 2
Spice Hollow
Spradling Cemetery
Springdale Baptist Church
Springdale Elementary School
Springdale Volunteer Fire Department Station 1
Springdale Volunteer Fire Department Station 2
Springdale Volunteer Fire Department Station 3
Sproles Cemetery
Spruce Lick Branch
Spruce Lick Fresh Water Dam
Spruce Lick Slurry Refuse Dam
Spruce Lick Slurry Refuse Impound
Standing Stone
Stansbury Hollow
Station Creek
Steep Gut Hollow
Steve Creek
Still Branch
Stinnat Hollow
Stony Branch
Straight Creek
Straight Creek
Straight Creek Boat Dock
Straight Creek Church
Straight Creek Mines
Straight Creek School (historical)
Sugan Branch
Sugar Creek Hollow
Sugar Grove Church
Sugar Hollow
Sugar Hollow
Sugar Hollow
Summey Bridge Church
Sutton Branch
Sweet Hollow
Sycamore (historical)
Sycamore Creek
Sycamore Hall
Sycamore Hall School (historical)
Sycamore Island (historical)
Sycamore Knobs
Sycamore Shoals
Sycamore Tunnel
Tackett Creek School (historical)
Taylor Hollow
Tazewell Police Department
Tazewell Post Office
Tazewell Square Shopping Center
Tazewell-New Tazewell Elementary School
Teague Mountain
Templin Pond
The Doublings
The Doublings Branch
The Narrows
The Narrows
Thomas Cemetery
Thompsons Chapel Cemetery
Thompsons Chapel United Methodist Church
Tip Gap
Tiprell School (historical)
Tony Hollow
Town Creek
Town Creek Church
Tracy Branch
Treece Cemetery
Turkey Ridge
Turner Cemetery
Tuttle Hollow
Tyes Branch
Underwood Grove Church
Underwood School (historical)
Union Chapel
Upper Eagan Mine
Upper Fall Branch
Upper Flat Hollow School
Upper Straight Creek School (historical)
Valley Creek
Valley Creek
Valley Creek Missionary Baptist Church
Valley Creek School (historical)
Vanbebber Spring
Vanbebber Spring
Vancel Mill
Vanndy Hollow
Vannoy Cemetery
Vannoy Hollow
Wagon Hollow
Walker Cemetery
Walker Ford (historical)
Wallen Ridge Church
Water Prong
Water Tank
Water Treece Cemetery
Watson Branch
Watson Cemetery
Watson Chapel
Watson Hollow
Watson Ridge
Watson School (historical)
Weaver Knob
Welch Cemetery
Welch Ridge
West Cemetery
West Fork Hoop Creek
West Fork Little Creek
Whistle Valley
White Oak Branch
Whiteoak Church (historical)
Whiteoak Flats
Whiteoak Ridge
Wildcat Hollow
Williams Cemetery
Williams Cemetery
Williams Hollow
Williams Mill
Williams Mill (historical)
Willis Cemetery
Willis Cemetery
Wilson Bend
Wilson Cemetery
Wilson Gap
Wilson Gap
Wilson Gap Hollow
WNTT-AM (Tazewell)
Wolfpen Hollow
Woods Cemetery
Woodson Cemetery
Wright Cemetery
WSVQ-AM (Harrogate)
Wylie Bend
Wylie Cemetery
Wylie School
Yeary Creek
Yeary School
Yellow Branch
Yellow Branch
Yellow Cliff Hollow
Yellow Creek Ridge
Yellow Shoals Ford
Yellow Springs
Yellow Springs Church
Yellow Springs School (historical)
Yoakum Cemetery
Yoakum Cemetery
Yoakum Crossroad
Yoakums Chapel Church of God

Claiborne County - map

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